Periods of a Year

The influence of the number 22 (& 4), over this 4 month period of your year, heralds a period of enormous potential for building what you can envisage. If you have dreams then this is a window of opportunity to be the master builder, organiser and visionary to see them become reality. Hard work and dedication will be required with lazer sharp focus on your goals which will set down strong foundations for better times ahead. As the 22 can revert back to the base 4 you should expect hard work whether you wish it or not. Remember to factor in your current Personal Year which will have a more overriding influence.

The influence of the number 11 (& 2), over this 4 month period of your year, will be a period requiring tact, diplomacy and cooperation. Forming new partnerships, to achieve what you desire or need, will be key to moving through this period successfully. As a Master Number the 11 comes with the attributes of the number 2 but with the addition of spiritual expansion, illumination and growth in understanding and wisdom. Not a time for self seeking gain, these insights should be shared and used to foster harmony and co-operation. Remember to factor in your current Personal Year which will have a more overriding influence.

The influence of the number 8, over this 4 month period of your year, may bring a bit of luck your way. It can be a materially rewarding and focused period offering new power & responsibilties with status and influence. Such heights may be attainable if your personal year is a 1, 3, 6 or best of all 8. In conjuction with the personal year the 8 period may simply bring into focus your material wealth, property sale & aquisition, a promotion or new job. It can be a bit of a cold and clinical number not best suited to emotional ties.

The influence of the number 9, over this 4 month period of your year, can be a time for ideals, principles, humanistic enterprises and social service. Universal love for all will bring you greatest happiness and satisfaction. Not a time to start anything new or be in any way self centered or interested. A good time to clean up and clear out what you don't need in your life. Remember to factor in your current Personal Year which will have a more overriding influence.

The influence of the number 7, over this 4 month period of your year, will have a calming effect on your life, slowing it down and allowing you to take stock. Other factors in your forecast numerology, such as you personal year, may run up against this number's restfull influence. If your personal year is a 1, 5 or 8 you may feel the urge to fight this calm and push forward. To make this most of this period you should use it for study and planning instead of execution. Timing is all important and now would not be a time to forge ahead with plans but to lay them out and review them.

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