Melanie  United States

Tarot Reader Melanie
Status:   Unavailable
Experience:   43+ years
Attributes:   Counselor, Libra
Specialities:   Tarot, Numerology
Languages:   English
Member Since:   Oct 2012
Avg Response:   16 hours
Local Time:  

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I've always been drawn to what's behind the surface of our daily reality. As I began to explore the possibilities in my early teens -- oh so many years ago -- I ran across the rich and beautiful images of the tarot. I also found myself coming back to numerology time and again, even though I'm like a deer in the headlights when it comes to math. Both systems offered such elegant depth in their correspondence to life here on planet Earth.

I've also always loved sharing anything I've found that makes life easier for others. We've had lots of illness in our family, so understanding and alleviating suffering became an early mission.
My counseling work, which I began in 1981, and where the bulk of my time is spent, is all about teaching clients how to recognize and cultivate their personal happiness. Even during the hard times, life can be so much easier when we know how to find happiness. As a yoga teacher, I also encourage finding joy, even in the most challenging of postures.

When I'm not counseling, I spend as much time playing music as I can. After a lifetime connected with the arts -- my first career was as a dancer, and I've played instruments and sang since my energetic youth -- I came across the rich Appalachian tradition in the US. I love being a link in the chain, playing socially and semi-professionally with others in a culture that encourages everyone to play, dance or sing. Yes, even tone deaf, you are invited in! My handsome carpenter sweetie and I met playing music, so it's brought loads of riches into my life.

My garden provides me not only with food, but with lots of metaphors for teaching. After all, productive, healthy plants are evidence of successful and happy lives! I also love to have time with the furred and feathered people in nature. At the moment, several barn cats -- one of whom has purred her way into the house -- are my closest daily encounters.

I was fortunate to have access to two wonderful women over a stretch of eight years who brought me along in my studies of tarot and numerology. Neither were big name stars and both have now passed on. They were extraordinary mentors who put wisdom and service to others first. I did some formal graduate work at Atlantic University in Virginia Beach, VA, USA. I was in the first group to benefit from Marcus Katz's, Tali Goodwin's and Janine Worthington's extraordinary and generous tutelage in the Around the Tarot in 78 Days course. Whew! the work for that diploma was rigorous! And I'm delighted to make use of all that training when I read. As you can imagine, each new reading is a new learning for me, as well as for you.

My studies in psychology and the transpersonal led me to an especial affinity for the work of Jung and his principles of archetype and synchronicity. There are beautiful patterns in place to help us understand everything we're going through in life: those are the archetypes. Myths and faerie tales are familiar illustrations. Tarot and numerology are my favourite archetypal images. Simply put, synchronicity is evidence that we're all connected; it's those co-incidences that call out, "Hey, over here! We're kin!" Each tarot spread speaks to us from that kinship. So do the numbers of our names and birthdays.

And that's what keeps me reading: finding the ways that we're all related. Welcome in, kindred spirit!


I will read spreads created by you using our Digital Tarot Deck. Click the button below for a list of the spreads I would be happy to read for you

Melanie's Testimonials

If you have had a reading from me I would be very grateful if you could tell others about your experience here.

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Please use Disqus above if you want to leave a testimonial as we are phasing out the use of Facebook's system.

Michael R. Stalnaker

Melanie, as before, a very excellent reading and really wonderful suggestions for an art project to help me progress. I'll be checking out the book you recommended,as well. Thanks again!
May 01, 2014 3:05 am

Carina Rubinstein

Such a great deep reading and very accurate, it reflects exactly how I’m feeling right now. It was so insightful I feel I’ll have to read it over and over and over again to get all the details and make sure I don’t miss anything. Very happy with my reading, thank you!!
Mar 21, 2014 7:03 pm

Shoma Chatterjee

HI Melanie, thank you for providing such a thorough reading so quickly. I will heed your advice and hope for a positive turnaround in 2014.
Feb 22, 2014 2:02 am

Michael R. Stalnaker

Hi Melanie, thank you so much for the insightful reading. It was an extremely rewarding experience, and the information provided was right on target. Your background as a counselor adds an extra rich dimension to your readings. Your reading style is exactly what a tarot reader should strive to be--compassion blended with level-headed analysis. I also appreciate the journaling exercise you recommended to help me bring the key messages into my everyday life as I continue on my journey--what a useful and appropriate tool! Once again, thank you.
Feb 21, 2014 11:02 pm

Melody Driever

Hi Melanie, I just wanted to say that your reading was right on target even though I didn't think that was the target I was looking for! lol And thanks for the nudge in getting my pen and paper back out. Your response time was excellent, much faster than I expected. Once again, thank you...
Dec 20, 2012 6:12 am

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