The personal day, personal month and personal year are the standard Pythagorean numerology methods for forecasting. There is a lesser well known aspect to a personal year in numerology which is the Periods of a Year. Each of these 4 numbers must be taken into account when understanding what to expect from the flow and rhythm of your life over the course of any year.
The most important number which has the strongest influence though out any year in your life is your Personal Year Number. This number dictates the main theme of a year heralding in significant opportunities, changes, challenges and obstacles in your life..
The Period of a Year forecast divides the year into 3 parts and runs not between calendar year start/end, like the personal day/month/year, but between your birthdays. The first 4 month period starting on the day of your birthday and the last period ends on the day before you birthday in the following year. The final period of your year is calculated using not only your date of birth but also your name which is why our calculator requires you to input your full name. You may find that the periods of a year better reflect the themes within your year than the personal month does and you use this number either with, or in place of, the personal month.
The next number in influence is of course the Personal Month Number. This number, in conjunction with the Personal Year Number, will dictate the ebb and flow of activities within your year. You can use it with, or instead of, the Period of the Year. For example a 7 Personal Month, or a 7 Period, in a 1 Personal Year would suggest that even though this would be a year of new beginnings and high expectations this month will, and should, be treated as the quiet time for rest, contemplation, study. A time to think, plan and research before leaping into new ventures.
Finally the Personal Day Number dictates the ebb and flow of our lives on a day to day basis. Even though it is the least significant of the 3 numbers is has the power of dictating the timing of events. A 9 Personal Day would be a day to end a relationship, or a job. A 5 Personal Day would be a good day to expect the unexpected or travel somewhere, escape the normal daily routines.
Included in the calculator are the New and Full Moon Phases. The personal day number has strengthened influence when a Full or New moon falls on that day. New Moon's traditionally signify new beginnings. So 1 Personal Days and 5 Personal Days falling on a new moon can indicate significant beginnings or changes in life. Full Moon's represent the completion of a cycle and endings. People are also more intuitive when the moon is full. 9 Personal Days, 8 Personal Days and 11 Personal days coinciding with a full moon can indicate significant endings, rewards & amplified intuition respectfully.
To understand how the calculators arrive at these numbers you can read more here.
Or find a good book on Numerology and study it in more depth, we have a list of some books here.
Our free numerology forecaster does all the hard work for you. Also take a look at the Free Numerology Calculator for Names, the Free Numerology Calculator for your Essence (Essence combines your date of birth with you name), the Free Numerology Calculator for Destiny & Life Path.
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