Deck: Tarot of Dreams
by Ciro Marchetti.
 Created on Phuture Me
Present Situation
Cause / Obstacles
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Future influences
Possible answer
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Feelings / Hopes / Fears

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Change. A mechanistic view of life. Abdicating responsibility by railing against the fates.
Raw energy sets the wheel of creation spinning, resulting in the manifestation of that energy as objects and actions in the world around us.

Hebrew Letter
Kaph means Palm. The Wheel of Fortune spins and proclaims our destiny, which some believe can be foreseen by divination such as palm-reading.

Jupiter, the planet of optimism and abundance (things we hope the spin of the Wheel will bring us.)

5 of Wands

Five of Wands
A battle or struggle
Teaming up against a common foe
Cooperative creative work
People who are isolated from each other yet work toward common or opposing goals. An initial idea or plan is tested against the competing goals of those upon whom you must depend to help bring the vision to reality.

Saturn in Leo. The creative and self-confident Leo faces restrictions from the limiting effects of Saturn.

Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords
A new idea or inspiration
An ‘aha!’ moment which brings tremendous opportunities
You are becoming conscious of the mental and intellectual potentials available to you, both in your own mind and in the world around you.

4 of Wands

Four of Wands
Safety, security
Taking concrete action in order to create the changes you desire. Desires or motivations coalesce into specific actions or objects.

Venus in Aries
You create an environment to your liking (Venus) in a direct and forceful way (Aries).

Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups
A new emotion or relationship surfaces
The potentials?and opportunities that such emotions can bring us.
A gift of goodwill in the middle of a conflict
You are becoming conscious of the emotional and intuitional potentials available to you, both in your own psyche and in the world around you.


Being foolish, playing the fool, making fun of something. The beginning of an endeavor or journey. An unorthodox or nonconformist approach. Being a catalyst for change.
As the Fool’s journey begins, consciousness manifests itself as pure energy, without any rational or ethical restrictions.

Hebrew Letter
Aleph means Ox. The ox is used to till the fields, preparing them for the introduction of seeds, which will eventually grow.

Uranus, the planet of eccentricity, originality, and anarchy.

8 of Wands

Eight of Wands
Great energy and speed
Efficient and productive mental processes
A great up-rush of energy
For the moment the thought-obscuring clouds have parted and you are able to think and plan with remarkable clarity and speed.

Mercury in Sagittarius
The far-ranging and expansive effects (Sagittarius) which are felt when your mind is working at its peak capacity (Mercury)

4 of Coins

Four of Coins
Good fortune
Alternatively, a high price paid for good fortune. Fears that what one has will be stolen. Miserliness or greed
The rich man has created his own reality and environment. And his reality has taken on a life of it’s own and is in its turn creating him.

Sun in Capricorn
Your ego (Sun) can all too easily find itself creating its own prison (Capricorn).

Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands

No challenge is too great for the champion of the royal court of Wands. Brash to the point of recklessness, his loyalty to liege and cause is without question. In their conflict and actions, the battling dragons cause a fiery mayhem to their surroundings. There is a nobel good behind his actions and motivations, but often the Knight of Wands lacks the control of his own actions. But his character is contagious, where he leads others will be motivated to follow.

Knights are Doing
The Knight of Wands suggests that you put your plans into action so that they take on a greater reality than simply as daydreams. For as long as he follows any particular cause, he believes in that cause with his heart and soul, it grips his entire being, and he is in fact prepared to die for it – until he loses interest and finds a new cause.

Two-thirds Leo, one-third Cancer
The Knight loves his flamboyant role (Leo), and he will go to any means to protect that to which he owes allegiance (Cancer).

Page of Wands

Page of Wands.

Dressed in the deep crimson emblazoned with golden dragons. Despite his youth, this young prince already shows early signs of passion and regal expression as he proudly raises the emblematic glowing staff of the royal court of wands.
His enthusiasm and individuality hints at the strength of character to come. Charismatic and passionate his determination will translate into action and command attention in the years to come

Pages are Learning
The Page of Wands suggests that you learn as much as you can about your project or endeavor before diving into it head first. The Page examines her environment and sees what is lacking, then starts hatching plans to create her own reality.

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