Lenormand Mountain Card Meaning & Combinations

21 Mountain
Depending on position, the card may take a noun (person, place or thing) or descriptive meaning (such as an adjective). Both examples are provided. The cards can also be very literal, so literal meanings, if applicable, are provided as well.
Quick hit: Barrier, obstacle, difficult, enduring or literally, wilderness
Quality: Negative
Timing: Twenty-one days, three months, the third or 21st of the month; delays, winter
Detail: The Mountain card blocks and holds back. It’s something requiring endurance or a struggle to overcome. It represents difficult, inflexible, stable or solid. It can also indicate elevated.
Compare: Compare the enduring Mountain to the fleeting Clover.
Sample Mountain Combinations:
Mountain + 1. Rider
- Soon you’ll see a barrier to your progress
- Something keeps the news from getting to you
Mountain + 2. Clover
- There will be a small delay in your trip
- That barrier to your new job was actually a good thing
Mountain + 3. Ship
- There’s a problem with your overseas account
- Wherever you go, your troubles seem to follow you
Mountain + 4. House
- The housing market is so bad you can’t buy a house right now
- You’re trying to build your financial worth but your house prevents that with all the repairs that needs
Mountain + 5. Tree
- You’re struggling with your health
- This obstacle has been around for a long time
Mountain + 6. Clouds
- Something is holding you back but you can’t figure out what it is exactly
- Your depression keeps you from moving forward in your life
- A relative is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s
Mountain + 7. Snake
- This obstacle is going to be more difficult than expected
- Someone is coming at you to create problems in your life
Mountain + 8. Coffin
- You want to break up with your partner but you can’t seem to bring yourself to do it
- You have a passion for mountain climbing but can’t bring yourself to tell anyone
Mountain + 9. Bouquet
- Sometimes obstacles to what we want are actually gifts
- You later found out that they wanted to invite you to the party but somethings got in the way
- You got accepted to the university but your mother hid the acceptance letter so you had no idea
Mountain + 10. Scythe
- The barrier went away as quickly as it arrived
- There might be a problem with the surgery
Mountain + 11. Whip
- You keep obsessing on the obstacles to your plan
- You can think of 1,000 reasons why you don’t want to exercise
Mountain + 12. Birds
- Something has come between that couple and they’re not talking to each other anymore
- All that gossiping has cost him nothing but problems in his relationships with others
Mountain + 13. Child
- They keep trying to adopt a child but run into one obstacle after another
- You would think all the obstacles he ran into would help him become more mature, but they don’t
Mountain + 14. Fox
- Normally he’s so clever but not in this case
- She tried to do something sneaky but your friend intervened and prevented it from happening
Mountain + 15. Bear
- She just didn’t feel maternal feelings toward her child
- The neighborhood bully keeps him from going to school every day
Mountain + 16. Stars
- It was bad advice that didn’t help the problem
- The network is down
Mountain + 17. Stork
- Because he didn’t get the job he wanted initially he actually found something better
- A difficult birth
Mountain + 18. Dog
- You’re overprotective brother keeps so many things from happening in your life but he shows no signs of stopping
- A learning disability that doesn’t improve
Mountain + 19. Tower
- It’s impossible to get time by yourself
- Your education is creating a barrier to your ability to get hired by a corporation
Mountain + 20. Garden
- The political group tried to stop the election
- A group of mountains
Mountain + 22. Crossroads
- Even though he said he would leave his wife, there seems to be something holding up that decision
- Your best friend can’t make a decision to save her life
Mountain + 23. Mice
- The police stepped in and stopped the burglary
- Your best friend made sure that they couldn’t damage your reputation
Mountain + 24. Heart
- Being emotionally stunted
- A blockage in the physical heart
Mountain + 25. Ring
- He is completely phobic about commitments
- She won’t sign the contract because there’s something in it that gives her pause
Mountain + 26. Book
- A reading disability
- Despite his best efforts, he could not figure out her secret
- Banned books
Mountain + 27. Letter
- Writers block
- He wanted to send her a text message but couldn’t figure out what to say
Mountain + 28. Man
- A male mountaineer
- A male guard
- A male defence attorney
Mountain + 29. Lady
- A female mountaineer
- A female guard
- A female defence attorney
Mountain + 30. Lily
- The obstacle that held you back actually gave you peace of mind
- Trying to retain one’s physical youth
Mountain + 31. Sun
- It finally surfaced that he was the one creating obstacles for his best friend
- Because his mother wouldn’t let him join the club, he actually found that he had more energy for other activities
Mountain + 32. Moon
- She felt her intuitive skills weren’t working properly
- Though he couldn’t prove it, he suspected his father was blocking his progress
Mountain + 33. Key
- She was completely obsessed with climbing mountains and couldn’t think of anything else
- The court action to block the adoption was a sign
Mountain + 34. Fish
- He hated having so much money because it intimidated everyone and he didn’t have any friends
- His finances kept him from being able to buy the house
Mountain + 35. Anchor
- The barrier to her progress would not go away no matter what she did
- Her job prevented her from enjoying her life
Mountain + 36. Cross
- Because of his past trauma with religion, he couldn’t move forward with his spirituality
- Being unable to move forward in her career was a big problem for her
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