Lenormand Lily Card Meaning & Combinations

30 Lily
Depending on position, the card may take a noun (person, place or thing) or descriptive meaning (such as an adjective). Both examples are provided. The cards can also be very literal, so literal meanings, if applicable, are provided as well.
Quick hit: Elder, peace, serene, virtuous
Quality: Neutral
Timing: Thirtieth day of the month; a long time, maturity
Detail: The Lily signifies a peaceful or serene state. It can also point to an honest, virtuous or moral person. It can mean a mature, elderly person or signify retirement.
Compare: Compare the maturity of the Lily to the long time span of the Tree.
Sample Lily Combinations:
Lily + 1. Rider
- An elder brings news
- A calm arrival soothes tensions
Lily + 2. Clover
- Serendipity brings peace
- A lucky and tranquil encounter
Lily + 3. Ship
- A peaceful journey
- Wisdom gained through travel
Lily + 4. House
- A serene home environment
- Family traditions bring comfort
Lily + 5. Tree
- Health and longevity flourish
- Ancestral wisdom guides the family
Lily + 6. Clouds
- Confusion disrupts peace
- Uncertainty shadows tranquility
Lily + 7. Snake
- Deception challenges integrity
- Temptations disturb harmony
Lily + 8. Coffin
- The end of a peaceful era
- A tranquil resolution to conflicts
Lily + 9. Bouquet
- Happiness in retirement
- Grace and beauty in later life
Lily + 10. Scythe
- Sudden peace after chaos
- A quick resolution brings calm
Lily + 11. Whip
- Conflicts are resolved with wisdom
- Debates lead to understanding
Lily + 12. Birds
- Peaceful conversations
- Old friends reminisce with joy
Lily + 13. Child
- Innocence and purity bring joy
- A new beginning is calm and serene
Lily + 14. Fox
- Cautious wisdom
- Guarded peace amid cunning
Lily + 15. Bear
- Protective peace
- Authority ensures stability
Lily + 16. Stars
- Aspirations for a peaceful life
- Hopes for serenity are fulfilled
Lily + 17. Stork
- Change brings tranquility
- A peaceful transition
Lily + 18. Dog
- A loyal, peaceful companion
- Friendship provides comfort
Lily + 19. Tower
- Isolation in serenity
- A peaceful retreat from society
Lily + 20. Garden
- A tranquil public space
- Community gatherings in peaceful settings
Lily + 21. Mountain
- Obstacles to peace
- Challenges to maintaining serenity
Lily + 22. Crossroads
- Decisions lead to peace
- Choices bring calm paths
Lily + 23. Mice
- Stress disrupts peace
- Worries erode tranquility
Lily + 24. Heart
- Love brings peace
- Emotions stabilize in calm
Lily + 25. Ring
- A peaceful commitment
- Harmony in partnerships
Lily + 26. Book
- Secrets of a peaceful life
- Knowledge brings tranquility
Lily + 27. Letter
- Messages of peace
- Communication soothes
Lily + 28. Man
- A peaceful man
- Wisdom and serenity in a male figure
Lily + 29. Lady
- A tranquil woman
- Grace and peace in a female figure
Lily + 30. Lily
- Double peace
- Harmony multiplied
Lily + 31. Sun
- Success brings peace
- Joy and calm follow achievement
Lily + 32. Moon
- Dreams of peace
- Emotional serenity
Lily + 33. Key
- The key to peace
- Solutions bring calm
Lily + 34. Fish
- Financial peace
- Prosperity brings tranquility
Lily + 35. Anchor
- Stable peace
- Long-term tranquility
Lily + 36. Cross
- Peace despite burdens
- Calm amidst trials
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