Lenormand Fish Card Meaning & Combinations

Lenormand Card 34 Fish Meaning & Combinations

34 Fish

Depending on position, the card may take a noun (person, place or thing) or descriptive meaning (such as an adjective). The cards can also be very literal, so literal meanings, if applicable, are provided as well.

Quick hit: Money, assets, abundant, wealthy 

Quality: Neutral

Timing: N/A

Detail: The Fish card represents a lot of something, particularly money or assets. It can mean wealthy, luxurious or fiscal. It may point to fluid or being adept (a fish in the water). 

Compare: Compare the assets of the Fish to the investments of the Bear.

Sample Fish Combinations:

Fish + 1. Rider

  • New business opportunities arrive swiftly
  • A messenger brings financial news that promises growth

Fish + 2. Clover

  • Small investments pay off unexpectedly
  • Luck in financial matters brings prosperity

Fish + 3. Ship

  • Commerce and trade across waters prove lucrative
  • Overseas business ventures expand wealth

Fish + 4. House

  • Real estate investments increase family wealth
  • A home business becomes a significant income source

Fish + 5. Tree

  • Long-term financial planning yields stability
  • Wealth grows slowly but surely, like a sturdy tree

Fish + 6. Clouds

  • Financial uncertainties loom
  • Mixed signals in the stock market cause confusion

Fish + 7. Snake

  • Financial complexities or fraud issues arise
  • Be wary of deceit in business dealings

Fish + 8. Coffin

  • End of a financial era or business
  • Significant transformations in financial status

Fish + 9. Bouquet

  • Gratification from profitable ventures
  • Investments in beauty or luxury markets flourish

Fish + 10. Scythe

  • Sudden financial gains or losses
  • Decisive actions lead to significant economic changes

Fish + 11. Whip

  • Competitive business environment
  • Negotiations or conflicts over money are intense

Fish + 12. Birds

  • Networking enhances business prospects
  • Small talks lead to profitable deals

Fish + 13. Child

  • New financial ventures begin
  • Fresh start in business brings enthusiasm

Fish + 14. Fox

  • Be cautious of cunning in business
  • Someone may be manipulating financial situations

Fish + 15. Bear

  • Strong financial leadership
  • Investments and savings are powerfully managed

Fish + 16. Stars

  • Aspirations for wealth are high
  • Reaching for financial dreams leads to success

Fish + 17. Stork

  • Positive changes in financial status
  • Shifts in business strategy improve profits

Fish + 18. Dog

  • Loyal business partnerships
  • Trust and reliability pay off in financial matters

Fish + 19. Tower

  • Corporate success
  • Large institutions offer financial stability and growth

Fish + 20. Garden

  • Public investments or community-funded projects flourish
  • Social spending increases

Fish + 21. Mountain

  • Obstacles in business require strategic navigation
  • Financial challenges need overcoming

Fish + 22. Crossroads

  • Decisions about investments lead to new financial paths
  • Multiple opportunities arise

Fish + 23. Mice

  • Losses and theft impact financial health
  • Small expenses chip away at wealth

Fish + 24. Heart

  • Passion-driven business ventures
  • Investments are made with emotional consideration

Fish + 25. Ring

  • Contracts and business agreements bring financial security
  • Partnerships are profitable

Fish + 26. Book

  • Confidential financial information is crucial
  • Hidden assets or investments are revealed

Fish + 27. Letter

  • Important financial documents are exchanged
  • Communication about money matters is key

Fish + 28. Man

  • A businessman plays a crucial role in financial dealings
  • A male figure influences wealth

Fish + 29. Lady

  • A businesswoman significantly impacts financial outcomes
  • A female entrepreneur drives growth

Fish + 30. Lily

  • Wealth brings peace and satisfaction
  • Financial stability supports a comfortable retirement

Fish + 31. Sun

  • Financial success is assured
  • Profits and happiness increase under sunny circumstances

Fish + 32. Moon

  • Creative or artistic ventures bring financial rewards
  • Emotions guide economic decisions

Fish + 33. Key

  • Critical financial decisions unlock potential for wealth
  • Key investments pay off

Fish + 34. Fish

  • Multiple streams of income
  • Wealth accumulates and flows like a school of fish

Fish + 35. Anchor

  • Stable financial foundations
  • Long-term investments ensure security

Fish + 36. Cross

  • Financial burdens are managed
  • Spiritual or moral considerations impact wealth

© Petra Gilbert & Phuture Me Ltd 2016-2024.

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