Lenormand Ring Card Meaning & Combinations

25 Ring
Depending on position, the card may take a noun (person, place or thing) or descriptive meaning (such as an adjective). Both examples are provided. The cards can also be very literal, so literal meanings, if applicable, are provided as well.
Quick hit: Marriage, contract, committed, promised or literally, a ring
Quality: Positive (love) or neutral (contracts)
Timing: Twenty-fifth day of the month; continuous
Detail: The Ring points to commitments, such as through marriage, contracts or agreements. It can indicate running in circles, coming full circle or closing the loop. More literally, this card can mean a ring.
Compare: Compare the Ring’s going in circles to the Crossroad’s going back and forth.
Sample Ring Combinations:
Ring + 1. Rider
- The arrival of a new lover rekindled their commitment
- A message brought news of a marriage proposal
Ring + 2. Clover
- A chance gamble turned into a committed relationship
- Luck brought them back together, stronger than before
Ring + 3. Ship
- Their voyage led to a renewal of vows
- A long-distance relationship finally culminated in a commitment
Ring + 4. House
- Their home became a testament to their enduring marriage
- Family traditions kept their bond strong and committed
Ring + 5. Tree
- Their relationship grew deeper with age, like a sturdy tree
- Health issues tested, but ultimately strengthened, their bond
Ring + 6. Clouds
- Uncertainty loomed over their engagement
- Misunderstandings threatened to break their commitment
Ring + 7. Snake
- Deception entangled their once-trusted partnership
- Jealousy tried to strangle their commitment
Ring + 8. Coffin
- The end of a relationship, despite the commitment
- A marriage faced a serious crisis, threatening to end it
Ring + 9. Bouquet
- A proposal came unexpectedly, bringing joy
- Their anniversary was marked with beautiful celebrations
Ring + 10. Scythe
- A sudden break in their engagement shocked everyone
- Quick decisions led to a rushed and regretful commitment
Ring + 11. Whip
- Arguments became a regular pattern in their relationship
- Passion and conflict went hand in hand in their marriage
Ring + 12. Birds
- Their engagement was the talk of their social circle
- Conversations about commitment were frequent and lively
Ring + 13. Child
- Their child renewed their commitment to each other
- Starting a family brought a new sense of partnership
Ring + 14. Fox
- Caution in commitment due to hidden agendas
- Their relationship was more about convenience than love
Ring + 15. Bear
- Their relationship was dominated by one strong partner
- Financial security was the foundation of their marriage
Ring + 16. Stars
- Their dreams of a perfect marriage became a reality
- Aspirations for a lasting commitment kept them hopeful
Ring + 17. Stork
- Changes in their relationship brought them closer
- A move led to a renewal of their vows
Ring + 18. Dog
- Loyalty was the cornerstone of their marriage
- A trusted friend became a committed partner
Ring + 19. Tower
- Their relationship was isolated from outside influences
- Pride and solitude marked their long-term commitment
Ring + 20. Garden
- Their engagement party was a grand affair
- Social pressures influenced their commitment
Ring + 21. Mountain
- Challenges in their relationship tested their commitment
- Obstacles delayed their wedding plans
Ring + 22. Crossroads
- Decisions about marriage led to unexpected journeys
- Multiple relationship options left them uncertain about commitment
Ring + 23. Mice
- Stress and worry ate away at their relationship
- Small doubts gradually undermined their commitment
Ring + 24. Heart
- Their love was sealed with a beautiful ring
- Commitment and romance were intertwined in their relationship
Ring + 25. Ring
- A renewal of vows reaffirmed their commitment
- Double rings symbolized their unbreakable bond
Ring + 26. Book
- Secrets within the marriage were carefully guarded
- Their relationship was based on a mutual understanding of private boundaries
Ring + 27. Letter
- A contract or agreement solidified their partnership
- Communication about commitment was formal and written
Ring + 28. Man
- He was committed to maintaining their relationship
- His decision to propose was calculated and thoughtful
Ring + 29. Lady
- She held the family together with her strong commitment
- Her intuition guided the relationship through tough times
Ring + 30. Lily
- Their marriage aged gracefully, filled with peace and wisdom
- Serenity and maturity defined their long-standing relationship
Ring + 31. Sun
- Their marriage was brightened by mutual success
- Joy and fulfillment marked their anniversary
Ring + 32. Moon
- Romantic evenings reinforced their bond
- Mysteries and emotions deepened their commitment
Ring + 33. Key
- Their relationship was crucial to their personal growth
- Commitment was the key to unlocking their future together
Ring + 34. Fish
- Their shared business ventures strengthened their partnership
- Prosperity flowed from their committed relationship
Ring + 35. Anchor
- Their relationship was stable and secure
- They found solace in their unwavering commitment
Ring + 36. Cross
- Their marriage endured through hardships and trials
- Burdens were shared equally in their committed relationship
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